

The Ritz-Carlton


Professional Speakers



Gold Sponsor


ABOUT THE CONFERENCE / what's going on there come and learn

Entrepreneurship has become a key driver for boosting the economy and creating new businesses and converting innovative and outstanding ideas and inventions into commercial products.

Successful entrepreneurship policies and management can lead to the creation of thriving and sustainable Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that can drive the economies.

The mission of the conference is to promote the adoption of dynamic and vivid entrepreneurship policies and success stories and experiences and exchange the latest trends and research conducted in the
universities and research centers as well the practical research and innovation developed by startups and new enterprises.

International Conference for Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Kingdom of Bahrain

Topics / Conference Topics

General (panel) and specific (in sessions) topics will be discussed during the Conference. Among them will be:

  • Government policies to foster entrepreneurship in the kingdom of Bahrain.
  • Entrepreneurship Eco System in Morocco, best practices and challenges.
  • Management of Incubators.

  • DIU role in introducing innovation and taking key initiatives towards facilitating entrepreneurial ecosystem”.
  • Recent Advances in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
  • The 3M Buckley Innovation Centre: A case study of alternative finance for universities from England Historical and present day perspectives.

  • FinTech Developments.
  • Transition from Fundamental Optical Instrumentation research to business innovation.
  • The Role of Universities in Fostering Entrepreneurship: The case of KFUPM.
  • Emergent learning and enhancement of entrepreneurial activities with failure experience.

  • Cutting Edge Knowledge from Entrepreneurship Centers Worldwide.
  • A Roadmap for Entrepreneurship.
  • The effective use of bank financing and government support contributing to the success of small and medium enterprises in Mauritius.
  • The enabling environment for women entrepreneurship in GCC: A critical literature review.

  • Entrepreneurship in higher education: learning outcome and graduates’ intentions to start business.
  • Effect of Social Capital on Welfare of Farming Households in Kwara State, Nigeria.
  • Entepreneurship & Investment – “Entrepreneurship in Rwanda”.
  • Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property.
  • “The Catalytic Relationship between Creativity and Innovation for Entrepreneurs” The ITU Report on Entrepreneurship in Arab Countries.
  • Spurring Digital revolution for decent jobs in sub-saharan Africa: A comparative analysis of Cote D’Ivoire and Kenya.

Conference Schedule / don't forget it

Presenter: Prof. Mohamed Jameel Terro

Opening Ceremony


Dates to Remember / Don't forget them

  • Abstract Deadline:

    September 15th 2019.

Please specify one of the above topics.

  • Acceptance:

    September 30st 2019.

  • Full Paper:

    Deadline for Full-Text Paper: October 26th 2019.

    (Note: Abstracts and Papers will not appear in the program and proceedings without pre-registration for the conference).


  • Early-Bird Registration:

    Until October 29th 2019

    (Note: For Visa to Bahrain minimum 2 months is needed).

Abstract & Papers Formatting / Required Formatting


The abstract should be:

  • Around 400 – 500 words, single spacing using Arial font – 10.
  • It should contain: Title, Author/s, Full Address, E-mail, and 4 Keywords.


Please specify one of the above topics.

Deadline for Abstract:
15 Sept 2019


The paper should be:

  • Single column, single spacing, with tables, figures, and photographs within the text.
  • Use a number for references.
  • Leave double spacing after each heading or sub-heading.
  • The paper should not exceed 8-pages.
  • Using Arial font – 10.


All papers will be peer-reviewed and published in the Proceedings.

Deadline for Full-Text Paper:
26th Oct 2019

Call for Paper / Submit your Abstract

Conference Sponsors / check our conference sponsors

Conference Speakers / meet with greaters

H.E. Dr. Saud Bin Saeed


Mawhiba (more…)

H.E. Prof. Amr Salama

Secretary General

Union of (more…)

Transport College (more…)

Dr. Sabur Khan


Daffodil International University (more…)

See all speakers

Conference Prices list / perfect price for a Conference



Students are exempted from fees
Students with Official Student ID
Seats are supported by Kingdom University



 = BD 95
 Speakers with Presentation
 Bahraini speakers are exempted from fees



 = BD 114
Participant or Contributor
Limited seats are supported by sponsors

Register now / come to join us

Photos / Check the Conference Photos

Conference FAQS / find your answers

Payments accepted by:
Credit Card, or

Bank Transfer.

Cheque will not be accepted.
The Registered Person will have a free:
Conference Program.

Conference Bag.

Coffee, Tea & Lunch.

USB with all abstracts.
You can register by filling the registration form on the website, by selecting whether to register as a:



Conference Location

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Manama, Bahrain


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Contact Us / Kingdom University

For More Details contact:

The Conference Secretary:  Mr. Abdulla Sharifi

Tel: +973 13302993

Call during local working hours 8 am- 4 pm, SUN to THU